How else could elders possibly measure your spiritul health? I mean...really talking with dubs as if they are human beings is not precise enough, too much work, and too hard to summarize for the CO.
i haven't been to a meeting in years, or door to door in years.
i have been out for a long time now.
my mom visited recently and she is a devoted jw for 50 years now.
How else could elders possibly measure your spiritul health? I mean...really talking with dubs as if they are human beings is not precise enough, too much work, and too hard to summarize for the CO.
i haven't been to a meeting in years, or door to door in years.
i have been out for a long time now.
my mom visited recently and she is a devoted jw for 50 years now.
i haven't been to a meeting in years, or door to door in years.
i have been out for a long time now.
my mom visited recently and she is a devoted jw for 50 years now.
the lesson 22 video or better called anti gay video went viral.. there is another thread that main dutch media covered it in their articles.. i wanted to write to one of the biggest swiss newspapers about it.
that newspaper also covered the controversy about the "meeting" cartoon, where the message is made that if jw children don't listen at the meetings they might get killed finally.. then i realized that it is not available in german.. it is available in so many other languages, like guarani (never heard of that language), but german is missing.. are they afraid to offer it in german?
do they expect too much controversy in germany?.
posting this pm at the request of orphan crow:.
from a medical virtual library in spain:
"fernando martinez guerrero, the liaison committee hospitals of jehovah's witnesses , has made the library a collection of abstracts of scientific articles related to blood conservation techniques and perioperative ( blood conservation techniques and perioperative planning ).
So Witnesses who are farmers are not allowed to use blood as a fertilizer for their crops, but Witnesses working in SABM are allowed to 'advance blood management'? 'Managing blood' is something different from not using blood at all...
Regardless of WT Society involvement, shouldn't every Witness working for SABM DFed?
the lesson 22 video or better called anti gay video went viral.. there is another thread that main dutch media covered it in their articles.. i wanted to write to one of the biggest swiss newspapers about it.
that newspaper also covered the controversy about the "meeting" cartoon, where the message is made that if jw children don't listen at the meetings they might get killed finally.. then i realized that it is not available in german.. it is available in so many other languages, like guarani (never heard of that language), but german is missing.. are they afraid to offer it in german?
do they expect too much controversy in germany?.
Gorbatchov, alles goed? ;-)
Indeed Dutch JW tend(ed) to be somewhat independent from headquarters. Apparently in some cases directions from HQ were put aside saying 'that won't work here'. Some examples I know of:
And the regular dubs are similar, not following every rule very strictly.
various dutch (netherlands) media mentioned the anti-gay children movie on jw.org,.
and gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual organizations are shocked, and some gay people.
are reporting the movie to the local police.. the official spokesman of the dutch branch office in emmen declared that the movie is.
...and then, in the next scene they conveniently left out, when the kid asks how to get to Paradise, she'll hear something like 'obey the 7 dwarfs, don't marry a woman'.
Imagine a rusty old van with no plates near a playground. A shady looking guy offers candy to some little kids. "There's more candy at my place!" he says.
He did nothing wrong, right? No need to be outraged even when we know he's a registered offender?
We all know how that JW indoctrinimation would continue.
the lesson 22 video or better called anti gay video went viral.. there is another thread that main dutch media covered it in their articles.. i wanted to write to one of the biggest swiss newspapers about it.
that newspaper also covered the controversy about the "meeting" cartoon, where the message is made that if jw children don't listen at the meetings they might get killed finally.. then i realized that it is not available in german.. it is available in so many other languages, like guarani (never heard of that language), but german is missing.. are they afraid to offer it in german?
do they expect too much controversy in germany?.
They probably see already the mistake they made, translating it into dutch.
Well, isn't translating anything in Dutch a mistake by definition? :-p ;-)
Apparently when Russell visited the Netherlands he basically said 'these people are stubborn. The truth will never be accepted here. Let's get the hell out.'
(I'm still looking for a source for that quote btw, possibly a yearbook. Let me know if you know the source...)
i have already posted how i outed to an elder.... the only results were that another elder mentioned to me: "i heard you have doubts about the truth will you meet with us and clear it up... i also had doubts... i fixed them i can help.
" laughing inwardly i said sure.. oh i'm going to slaughter this moron.
when he asks my doubts i will show him the chromosome #2 video with ken miller.
Human instinct has some important preprogrammed objectives:
Those are active for both our physical and mental states.
So guess what happens when an elder living in a comfy mental oblivion is attacked with facts that inflict pain and injury to his oblivious mental paradise? He deflects, denies, retaliates and runs for the hills.
Most of us here have been there with elders or friends and family. Most common result is denial and anger. Angry friends shun. Angry elders disfellowship.
There are some secretly recorded judicial committee hearings on YouTube. Even when evidence is presented. There is only one thing that counts: obey Watchtower. Elders are trained to enforce that, and their handbook states:
Deliberately spreading teachings contrary to Bible truth as taught by Jehovah’s Witnesses: (Acts 21:21, ftn.; 2 John 7, 9, 10) Any with sincere doubts should be helped. Firm, loving counsel should be given. (2 Tim. 2:16-19, 23-26; Jude 22, 23) If one obstinately is speaking about or deliberately spreading false teachings, this may be or may lead to apostasy. If there is no response after a first and a second admonition, a judicial committee should be formed.—Titus 3:10, 11; w89 10/1 p. 19; w86 4/1 pp. 30-31; w86 3/15 p. 15.
I really hope for you that you can reach your friends' minds....but cult indoctrination is very strong :-(
i'm a witness, so i need to know...can we pray for someone that isn't a jw.
reason i ask, once a friend of mine was going for an operation.
i asked an elder could he pray with her before she goes into the hospital.
I'm a witness, so I need to know...can we pray for someone that isn't a JW
Isn't that the core problem of Jehovah's Witnesses? Almost all of them need rules and regulations for everthing in life, for every fart they let rip.
Almost all JW can't think about these things for themselves.
The ones that do (and maybe deviate from the common accepted standard), will be looked down upon as spiritual weak.
I realize that this situation has been created by JW leaders, who have inserted themselves into every aspect of JW's lives and decisions. Only when they have no clue, or fear legal repercussions they allow individuals to use their own brain and conscience.
Reminds me of....what were those religious leaders in the Gospels called again?